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Tuesday, March 7, 2017


security services: 


Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government
Camp Crame, Quezon City
July 08, 2010
NO. 2010-009
a. Section 35, (b) (3) RA 6975 as 
d. PNP Protective Security Personnel (PSP) – shall mean a member of the PNP
providing protective security.
e. Protection Agent (PA) – shall mean a SOSIA-licensed Private Security Personnel
qualified and selected to perform or provide personal security protection to
private persons or individuals entitled to protection.
f. Private Detective Agency (PDA) – shall mean any juridical person, association,
partnership, firm or private corporation, who contracts, recruits, trains, furnishes
or posts a licensed private detective to perform private detective services such as
investigation, surveillance, information gathering, training, consultancy to any
person, private or public corporation under a contracted compensation. This
includes providing personal security protection service to private persons or
g. Protectee – the person being provided with protective security. This shall also
mean “client” as used in the personal security protection service offered by PDA.
h. Indigent Protectee – persons applying for protective security whose family
income does not exceed: P14,000.00 for those residing in Metro Manila; P13,
000.00 for those residing in other cities; and P12,000 for those residing in all
other places.
This Circular shall apply to any person whether public official (elected or appointed)
or private individual who intends to avail or engage the services of PNP Protective Security
Personnel and protection agents from Private Detective Agencies.
The Police Security and Protection Group (PSPG), which is mandated by law to
provide security to government officials, foreign dignitaries, private individuals authorized to
be given protection and key government installations, shall be the main implementing
agency of this Circular.
a. The PNP thru the PSPG shall detail Protective Security Personnel (PSP) to the
following personages even in the absence of a written request:
Protectees Number of PSPs
1. The Vice-President of the Republic of the Philippines - 9
2. The Senate President - 6
3. The Speaker of the House of Representatives - 6
4. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court - 6
5. The Secretary of National Defense - 4
6. The Secretary of the Interior and Local Government - 4
b. The following persons are entitled to protective security upon written request and
without the need of threat assessment:
Protectees Number of PSPs
1. Cabinet Secretaries - 4
2. Senators - 4
3. Representatives of the House of Congress - 2
4. Retired PNP Star-rank Officers - 2
c. The Local Chief Executives (Governors and Mayors), upon written request, shall
also be entitled to a maximum of two (2) protective security personnel, subject to
approval of the Chief, PNP upon recommendation of the PNP Regional Directors.
d. The foregoing individuals may also employ the services of not more than four (4)
private Protection Agents subject to the approval of the Chief, PNP.
e. Other Public Officials and Private individuals may avail or engage the services of
PNP Protective Security Personnel (PSP)subject to the approval of the Chief,
PNP under the following conditions:
1. That the applicant requesting for security is under actual threat/s of death
and/or physical harm;
2. That the threat/s, after due evaluation, is assessed to be imminent or highly
possible of occurrence;
3. That the security may be withdrawn or terminated anytime or even before the
expiration of the detail when the demands of the PNP so require or when specific
provisions are violated in this Circular and other related issuances; and
4. Except in highly exceptional cases, only a maximum of two (2) PNP protective
security personnel and four (4) protection agents shall be allowed.
a. All applicants for protective security detail, except the Local Chief Executives
shall personally submit at PSPG the following requirements:
1. Letter request addressed to the Chief, Philippine National Police thru the
Director, PSPG;
2. Accomplished three (3) copies of the application form duly notarized;
3. Police report/blotter entry or any documentary proof or evidence relative to
the threat; and
4. Special Bank Receipt showing payment of the appropriate fee.
b. Local Chief Executives shall submit their written request and application for
protective security detail to their respective PNP Regional Directors thru their
ROPDs. The RDs shall thereafter endorsed the request and application for the
approval of the Chief, PNP thru D, PSPG.
c. Upon receipt of the preceding documentary requirements, threat assessment
shall then be conducted by PSPG, IG and local police units, which may act jointly
or coordinate laterally for the purpose. All threat assessments shall be subject for
validation by the Directorate for Intelligence (DI). 
d. If upon receipt and evaluation of the application, the threat is imminent or highly
probable, the Director, PSPG shall provide temporary security detail.
e. The applicant shall also be required to accomplish an affidavit of undertaking
indicating therein that the duty of the PSP and/or PA shall be confined only to
protective functions and that he/she will not, among others, use his/her PSP/PA
as gate keeper, family driver, errand boy, or perform similar tasks, or to do illegal
f. Except for the purpose of providing security detail to Local Chief Executives, only
PNP personnel from Police Security and Protection Group (PSPG) shall be
authorized to be detailed as PNP protective security personnel.
g. The provision of security detail for Local Chief Executives shall be the
responsibility of the PROs, provided that no member of the SAF, RPSB, PPSC,
and the City/Municipal Police Stations shall be detailed as PNP Protective
Security Personnel.
h. All protection agents who are deployed for protective security shall be under the
operational control and supervision of the PSPG.
i. The protective security personnel (PSP) from PSPG and the protective agent
(PA) from Private Detective Agency (PDA) must wear agency-prescribed uniform
and PSPG/SOSIA-issued identification card at all times while on duty.
j. PNP PSPs shall always carry firearms with a letter order and with an ARE in the
case of government issued firearms, and with a firearm license in the case of
personally owned firearm. Pas shall always carry their agency issued firearms
covered by Special Duty Detail Order (SDDO).
k. Availment of PSP shall be for a period of six (6) months but the issuance of Letter
Orders for their detail shall be on a monthly basis. In the case of PAs, the period
of detail shall be determined by the contract between the PDA and the protectee.
However, if during the monthly evaluation of threat, it is determined or
established that the threat to the protectee has already ceased, the PNP shall
automatically terminate his/her protective security detail.
l. The rules and regulations or procedures on the employment /engagement of PAs
shall be in accordance with existing PNP Circulars and other issuances.
7. FEES:
a. Application for availment or engagement of PSP shall not be processed without
the payment of appropriate fees from the applicant. A private individual shall pay
a total of five (5) thousand pesos (Php5,000.00) as fees, broken down as follows:
1. Processing fee - one thousand pesos only (Php1,000.00); and
2. Threat Assessment fee- four thousand pesos only (Php4,000.00)
b. All public officials enumerated in paragraphs 5a and 5b shall not be required to
pay the herein fees.
c. Indigent protectees shall be required to pay 20% of the processing fee and shall
be exempted from threat assessment fee.
d. The amount collected from the filing fee shall form part of the PNP Trust Receipts
Fund, fifty percent (50%) of which shall be retained by the PSPG to support or
defray administrative and operational expenses.
a. Any PNP personnel found violating any provision of this circular shall be
administratively liable pursuant to existing NAPOLCOM and PNP regulations.
b. Any Protective Agent found violating any provision of this circular shall be liable
pursuant to the provisions of RA 5487 as amended, and its IRR and PNP
Memorandum Circular No. 001-2006.
c. Any violation by the protectee of any provision of this circular or of his affidavit of
undertaking, as well as misrepresentation or false entry on the documents
submitted as part of the application shall be a ground for the outright termination
or revocation of the protective security provided.
All PNP policies, directives and other issuances which are inconsistent with the
provisions of this Circular are hereby deemed repealed or modified accordingly.
This Circular shall take effect after fifteen (15) days from the filing of a copy herein at
the University of the Philippines Law Center in consonance with Sections 3 and 4 of
Chapter 2, Book VII of Executive Order No. 292, otherwise known as “The Revised
Administrative Code of 1987”, as amended.
Police Director General
Chief, PNP

10 CODES & ALPHABET CODES (phonetic alphabet)


10-0 Caution
10-1 Unable to copy,Poor reception of signal
10-2 Loud & clear,Clear signal
10-3 Slow down,Slowly,Not too fast
10-4 Acknowledgement,Roger,Positive, Affirmative
10-5 Advice,Notify,Relay Message
10-6 Busy,Stand by unless urgent
10-7 Out of service
10-8 In service,Operational, Serviceable
10-9 Repeat message
10-10 Over & out
10-11 Inquire,Query
10-12 Monitoring,Standby
10-13 Road & weather condition
10-14 To pick up,Get,Take
10-15 Response,Reply,Feedback
10-16 Problem,Trouble
10-17 Request
10-18 Record,Log
10-19 Return to
10-20 Location
10-21 Telephone,Call by phone
10-22 Cancel,Disregard
10-23 Arrived at scene
10-24 Follow up
10-25 Meeting,Meet a person,Eyeball, Report in person
10-26 Victim,Subject
10-27 Switch frequency,Driver's license
10-28 Plate number,Reg. number
10-29 Verify,Check
10-30 Water supply
10-31 Approval,Result
10-32 Person w/ firearm
10-33 Emergency,Urgent
10-34 Crime in progress,Riot
10-35 Crime alert,Red alert,Major crim
10-36 Correct time
10-37 Re-fill,Reload,Food
10-38 Local police
10-39 Double time,Rush,Urgent,Use light or siren
10-40 On duty,Roving,Silent tour of duty
10-41 Operatives,Members
10-42 Off duty/Ending tour of duty
10-43 Info,News,Status
10-44 Regards,Greetings
10-45 Car unit,Vehicle,Mobile
10-46 Assist motorist
10-47 Emergency,Electric crew needed
10-48 Detour,Road under repair,Road need repair
10-49 Traffic situation
10-50 Accident
10-51 Wrecker needed
10-52 Ambulance needed
10-53 Heavy traffic,Road block
10-54 Investigator needed
10-55 Electric power failure
10-56 Intoxicated person
10-57 Hit & run
10-58 Direct traffic
10-59 Companion,Buddy,Convoy,Escort
10-60 Hospital
10-61 Doctor,Medical team
10-62 Medicines
10-63 Assignment complete
10-64 Message
10-65 Assignment
10-66 Needed,Necessary
10-67 Male character
10-68 Dispatch,Delivery,Give
10-69 Message received
10-70 Fire alarm
10-71 Advice situation of fire
10-72 Rally, Illegal assembly
10-73 Add fire apparatus,Engine, Additional firetruck
10-74 Negative
10-75 Permission to contact
10-76 Proceeding en route
10-77 Exact time of arrival (ETA)
10-78 Need assistance
10-79 Notify,Dead Person
10-80 Kidnapping
10-81 Stolen vehicle
10-82 Prepare,Reservation,Spare
10-83 Found vehicle
10-84 Exact time of departure (ETD)
10-85 Will be late
10-86 Missing person
10-87 Female character
10-88 Telephone number
10-89 Found person
10-90 Robbery,Bank alarm
10-91 Unnecessary use of radio
19-92 Anti narcotics case,Drugs
10-93 Address
10-94 Reckless driver,Drag racing
10-95 Operations
10-96 Jammer,Visitor
10-97 Signal check,Test signal
10-98 Advice call sign identification
10-99 Base,Home
10-100 Office
10-X Thanks


A - Alpha
B - Bravo
C - Charlie
D - Delta
E - Echo
F - Foxtrot
G - Golf
H - Hotel
I - India
J - Juliet
K - Kilo
L - Lima
M - Mike
N - November
O - Oscar
P - Papa
Q - Quebec
R - Romeo
S - Sierra
T - Tango
U - Uniform
V - Victor
W - Whiskey
X - X-ray
Y - Yankee
Z - Zulu


901 - Traffic Accident,Unknown if Injuries
901T - Traffic Accident, Injuries
902T - Traffic Accident, No Injuries
902M - Medical Aid 903 - Plane crash
903L - Low flying plane 904 - Fire
904T - Trash Fire 910 - Can Handle Call
912 - Are We Clear To/For _______
913 - You Are Clear To/For _______
914 - Suicide 914A - Attempted Suicide
914C - Coroner Needed
917A - Abandon Vehicle
918 - Mental Case (W&I code 5150)
919 - Keep the Peace
920A - Missing Adult
920C - Missing Child
920F - Found Child
920J - Missing Juvenile
921 - Prowler
922 - Solicitation Activity
924R - Report Writing
925 - Suspicious Person
926 - Tow Truck Needed
927 - Unknown Trouble
927H - 911 Hang Up
930 - See The Man
931 - See The Woman
932 - Open Door
933 - Open Window
982 - Bomb Threat
983 - Explosion At ________
984 - Hazardous materials present / spill
995 - Riot or major disturbance
997 - Officer Needs Assistance
998 - Officer In Gun Battle
999 - Officer Needs Assistance

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


1.To take charges of this post and company properties in view,protect,preserve the same with utmost diligence.
2.To walk in an allert manner during tour of duty, observed everything that takes place within the sight and hearing.
3.To report all violators of regulation,I am instructed to enforce.
4.To relay all calls from post more distance from the security house where I am station.
5.To quit my post only when properly relieved.
6.To received ,obey and past on to the relieving guards, all order s from the company officers or official s ,supervisors, post in-charge or ship leaders.
7.To talk to no one except in the line of duty.
8.To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.
9.To call the superior officer in any case not covered instruction.
10.To salute all company official, superior in the agency ranking public officials and officer s of the Philippine national police.
11.To be especially watchful at night during the time of challenging,to challenge all persons on or near my post,not allow, no one to pass or loiter without proper authority.


1.To carry him at all times during his tour of duty his license and identification card and the permit to carry firearms.
2.He shall not use his license and privileges to prejudice of the public,clients or customers and his agency.
3.He shall not engage in any unnecessary conversion with anybody except in discharge of his duties or sit down unless required by the nature of his work and at all times keep himself allert during his tour of duty.
4.He shall not read newspaper,magazines, books, etc while actually performing his duty.
5.He shall not drink intoxicating liquor immediately during or before his tour of duty
.He shall know the location of fire alarm box near his post and to sound the alarm in case of fire or disorder.
7.He shall know to operate the fire extinguisher at his post.
8.He shall know the location of the telephone/and the telephone number of the fire stations in the locality.
9.He shall immediately notify the police in case of any sign or disorder, strikes, riot or any serious violation of the life and property.
10.he shall familiarize himself with the private security rules and regulations.


1.As a security agent,his fundamental duty is to serve the interest or mission of his agency in compliance with the contract entered into the clients of the agency he is supposed to served.
2.He shall be honest in thoughts and deeds both in his personal and official actuations.obeying the law of of the land and regulation prescribed by his agency and those established by company his is supposed to protect.
3.He shall not reveal any confidential matters that is confided to him as a security guard and such other matters imposed upon him by law.
4.He shall act at all times with decorum and shall not permit personal feelings, prejudice and undue friendship to influence his actuation in the performance of his official functions.
5.He shall not compromise with criminals and other lawless elements to the prejudice of the customer or his client but assist government in its relentless drive against lawlessness and other forms of criminality.
6.He must carry his assign duties as security guard or watchman as required by law to the best of his ability and safeguard life and property to the establishment he is assigned.
7He shall wear his uniform, badge, patches, and insignia properly as a symbol of public trust and confidence as a honest and trust worthy security guard, watchman and private detective.
8.He must keep his allegiance first to the government,to agency he is is to establishment he is assigned to served with loyalty and dedicated sevice.
9.He shall diligently and progressively familiarize himself with rules and regulation and laid down by his agency and that the customer or clients.
10.he shall at all times courteous,respectful and salute to his superior officers, government official of the establism where he is assigned and company he is supposed to serve.
11.He shall not report to perform his duties always in proper uniform and neat in his appearance.
12.He shall learn at heart or memorize and strictly observed the laws and regulations governing the use of firearms.